Welcome to Graviracers home page!

    Graviracers is arcade-racing game where you put your car on the top of the wavy 3D track and by rotating the world you make your car going down with controlable speed.

There are many cars available and in iPhone version which has just been submitted to the App Store (let's cross your fingers it will be approved :) ) you will be provided with 8 tracks in career mode. Difficulty of tracks increases, the last one is designed for real Graviracers masters. You will face walls, buses, holes in roads and much more.

Let's take a look on some Graviracers iPhone screen shots:

Two Jumps in Cave track

Career mode

In career mode you will be provided with 6 different hulls (different in physical parameters and in price of course :) ) and with 4 different wheels types (wheels' type determine allowed flying time - energy).

Track 1

There are also global records and stats  in Graviracers so  try your best to be on the top of the results table.

There will be also web trial version of Graviracers available right here, so stay tuned!

Simply wait and  look for this icon in App Store:


Watch the youtube trailer of Graviracers:

Graviracers on Youtube

if any doubt you can contact  me - the head, CEO and God knows who else  -  toffugames ( a t ) g m a i l . c o m

all rights reserved by Toffu Games